FO 18/08

So, what's going on here? Well, many things happened since the last English entry. With Steve being constantly away for work the little boys kept me busy around the clock. Nevertheless I started sewing which is difficult for me. You need to be so much more accurate than I can normally manage. I am far from being a perfectionist so the first skirt came out a little bit - let's say - unusual ;-) The second one was just the wrong pattern and did not flatter at all. But it is getting better, slowly but I know love doing it.

But for today there is no sewing but knitting to talk about. As much as I love to sew, I am a KNITTER :-)

Here we go: Caledonia from Weldons. Not that Scottish because I did without the plaids although it would have been very trendy right now. But what about tomorrow?

What can I say? I do have another favourite sweater in my closet. I love the colour, a vibrant cherry red. I love the yarn, the incomparable Rowan 4ply soft. I love the buttons, vegetable ivory ones from the 20s. I love the puffed sleeves and the little bows. I love the triangular waistline. I love the moss stitch bands. I think, this one is one of the best jumpers I made - togehter with Daliet and the Diamond Lace jumper. I do love this one! And I think ti goes well with the skirt - which is my third attempt to sew a skirt. What do you think?

BUT: there is also something bad going on. Lamour sucks. Totally. Whenever I start knitting a non-vintage jumper something seems to be wrong. Like many others I fell in Love with this design and so I started using BdF's Berlaine. The yarn is quite stiff and a little bit scratchy and working with it is not relaxing. So I did not like the making but I wanted Lamour. Wanted it desperately.

Well, now I am kind of desperate. Didn't I say many many times that we all should listen to the little voice which tells us it would not work? Why is it so difficult to listen? I finished the back and the front with aching fingers and a stiff neck, sew it together, even made the neckband, put it on and - hated it. Hated it very much. Although it is lacy and slim there is no fit in it, no drape, no elegance, no nothing. It might look better with sleeves on but not good enough to tempt me (I am a Mr. Darcy who will not be convinced to love this strange creature)!

Next trouble came late last night after finishing the Non-Scottish-Caldonia. I've been sick all weekend and slept most of those days. So I wasn't that tired and wanted to watch a film in bed and knit. Easy to understand if you are a knitter, too. Every sickness has its advantages. But what to knit? There are boxes and boxes full with yarn. Which one to choose? Which pattern? I think I possess by now more than 300 vintage patterns and there was NOTHING to be found. Do you believe this? There are some very elegant ones I would love to make but as much as I love working with my tiny needles and the 4 ply's I am still frightened when reading things as: inc 1 each side ev 1/2" - 12. Now 175 sts on needle ... Everything with more than 135 stitches for the back is not yet for me. Sad, isn't it?

At last I decided in favour of a very simple jumper with a ribbed pattern, using Filatura di Crosa's Zarina in a light green -not exactly my colour but still lovely. A little bit like Mimi Cardigan. Buying all my yarn via Internet is an adventure :-)
Eva (Gast) - 22. Sep, 13:02

Das sieht sehr elegant aus ! Der rote Pulli steht dir fantastisch. Und der Rock sowieso. Ich wünschte, ich könnte solche Röcke tragen, aber meine Rückseite hat zu viel fülle und es sieht nicht wirklich gut gut aus.

LG Eva

michou - 22. Sep, 14:13

Zu viel

hintenrum? Und dann soll ein solcher Rock blöd aussehen??? Ich wünschte, das wäre mein Problem - ich weiß schon, warum ich mich nur von vorne zeige ... Gerade Kurven sähen doch toll aus in so einem Stöffchen (Neidneidneid!)

jacqui (Gast) - 22. Sep, 14:50

how lovely to have a post i can read as well as view!

the skirt is delicious so sewing obviously does suit you. i am very envious of the Caledonia - it is a perfect shape for you. the color so rich it should have a nutritional warning!

michou - 22. Sep, 15:57

Hi :-)

Nice to hear from you. I am still embarrassed that I started to write in English and then couldn't manage it for months. Knowing that most of my German fellow knitters do understand English I just made a fresh start and hope I will continue ...
mimosa (Gast) - 22. Sep, 18:21

Lovely outfit ! This skirt is gorgeous and goes very well with this beautiful jumper .

MissAmelina (Gast) - 22. Sep, 23:51


Thanks for the comment....and right back at ya! That sweater is *so* fabulous it hurts me!! Way to go! I can't wait to learn how to knit! That's the next endeavor....

michou - 23. Sep, 12:03

Learning to knit ...

Isn't hard! You will be overwhelmed when you see how many vintage patterns there are for you ... :-) Start with the usual scarf, than take some tiny needles and go ahead. If something doesn't work out, ravel and start anew. It is so much easier than sewing ...
Ljolja (Gast) - 23. Sep, 20:32

Whenever I took a look at your blog I have very high expectations and you never disappoint me. The shape and the colour of the sweater are very flattering on you and the development of your sewing skills is quite formidable, too.

eva (Gast) - 23. Sep, 22:55

oh wow!

das ist aber schön, das pullöverchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
und diese fotos, sag mal, würdest du gern in den alten zeiten leben ;)
lg eva

die spinne (Gast) - 23. Sep, 23:48

Diese Vintage Dinger

sehen so was von gut an dir aus - du kannst sie auch so richtig gut präsentieren.

Zimmermädchen - 24. Sep, 14:34

Mein "I-love-your-blog"-Award

geht an Michou! Näheres auf meinem Blog.

joanna (Gast) - 24. Sep, 20:16

es war eine gute Idee

bei dir vorbei geschaut zu haben! Was für ein schönes Duo (mit Dir drin - Trio ;-) ).
Bin begeistert!!!!

Michou Loves Vintage:

Patterns Knits Books



Aktuelle Kommentare

Das weiße Kleid
ist nach Butterick 4443 genäht. Sieht auf dem Cover...
michou - 4. Jun, 15:52
Das erste und vor allem...
Das erste und vor allem das letzte Kleid! Wahnsinn!...
florenca - 4. Jun, 12:38
:-D Du doof Nuss :-X
Ist es nicht seltsam: kaum lese ich, dass DU Bammel...
michou - 1. Jun, 17:54
huhu :)
hi wie geht es dir. es geht bergauf, wie ich so lesen...
eva (Gast) - 31. Mai, 20:44
nö, habe ich nicht
das Buch meine ich. Aber ich werde mir irgednetwas...
joanna (Gast) - 18. Mai, 17:57
Trinny und Susannah
liebe ich ja auch sehr :-) Hast du dir das Body shape-Buch...
michou - 18. Mai, 11:39
Hüfte? Breit?!
schau Dir meine an :P (ich weiß - typisches Frauengerede,...
joanna (Gast) - 16. Mai, 22:33
Liebe Michou, ich verstehe...
Liebe Michou, ich verstehe überhaupt nicht was Du hast...
Martina (Gast) - 16. Mai, 14:41
Hast recht
- genau wie Eva und Mandy. Mich stört einfach, dass...
michou - 15. Mai, 10:51
Ups ...
Seit wann wirst du denn 41??? Das hatte ich doch ganz...
michou - 15. Mai, 10:37
41, 42
- da ist ja nun kein Unterschied :-) Und mir geht es...
michou - 15. Mai, 10:33
Hallo, ich hatte Glück,...
Hallo, ich hatte Glück, Dein Post war schon fertig...
Gaby (Gast) - 14. Mai, 18:11
Mir gefallen ALLE Deine Kleider, Roecke, Pullis und...
SmashingPuffin (Gast) - 14. Mai, 18:03
Ich wollte gerade sagen,...
Ich wollte gerade sagen, der Rest war doch vorhin noch...
Eva (Gast) - 14. Mai, 16:13
Ich erkenne mich aber...
Ich erkenne mich aber so was von genau wieder - nur...
Eva (Gast) - 14. Mai, 14:50

Pattern reviews


Über mich

Ich bin Bonnerin, habe auf einem sowjetischem Schiff, im Schwarzwald und auf Norderney gearbeitet, einen Australier geheiratet, zwei tolle Söhne bekommen und bin dem Stricken und Nähen verfallen.


andrea(dot)instone (at)netcologne(dot)de



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