Dienstag, 15. April 2008

FO 08 + 09/08

Unbenannt-11Alright, here we go - no German today, just my crappy, scary English. Time, you know, is precious in our house.

The Corticelli blouse is finished and it was an interesting experience knitting this piece. It has saddle shoulders which I never used before and probably won't because they are sqare and not too becoming. Although with the lacy panels you can't see the "manly" appearance those sleeves have to me.

The used yarn is Jaeger Matchmaker 4ply and I am not a fan of this one. I bought it because Jaeger was somehow connected to Rowan; it was 4ply, pure Merino and inexpensive. The colour is somehow brighter than the picture shows and looks a little bit like some acrylic yarn old ladies use. It also isn't very soft near the skin, but bearable.

All in all this little blouse was more of an experience and will not be out of the closet too often, I guess. But I do like it very much and the photos don't really show the beauty of it. (Why the pictures are all blurred today I can't say. Sorry for that)

Now to Cherry. A beautiful pattern, well written and easy to work. So why did I have to rip several times? For three times at last I forgot some rows or some decreases. These are things that don't often happen to me. But the worst thing is - as I mentioned yesterday - that I forgot to change the needle after the ribbing - well, I noticed when I was working on the second front piece - I saw it was going to be too tight. To make it even worse I tried to be clever which is always a bad thing ;-)

I used this yarn before - actually three years ago! - and then there were 95 stitches in one row, knitted on 3mm needles. It was a ribbed jumper and after wearing it for half an hour it was large, large, large. So I decided - cleverly, hahaha - to knit the XS size ... I knew while knitting this lovely cardi that it won't work, but couldn't and did not want to stop. It looked so great and my stitches so even, the colour so vintagy, so deep and brillant - no, I just kept telling me that everything will be great and that this cotton is so stretchy ...

So yesterday, after blocking it heavily, I sew on the buttons (I suck at sewing on buttons!) and went to the looking glass, afraid of what I might see there ... OMG. Wherever there was no button it opened as far as possible. The positive thing about this was that I looked like a veritable sexbomb. OK, I am not so keen to be a sexbomb but that is the best you could say about it. But still - the colour, the shine, the pattern, all my neat finishing - I won 't redo it. So I took it off, removed those press studs and started sewing once more. This little cardi is now a real jumper with buttonbands sewn together. The funny thing is that this jumper is not too tight but quite comfortable.

I am sure I will make another cherry with another yarn - cashcotton dk and another pattern perhaps. We will see.

One more word for the pictures: I need a haircut but have to wait until next Monday. I do not know how to tame them and I feel horrible with this mess on my head - so my expressions show how uncomfortable I feel I already had a bad hair week and will have to go through another one ...

Michou Loves Vintage:

Patterns Knits Books



Aktuelle Kommentare

Das weiße Kleid
ist nach Butterick 4443 genäht. Sieht auf dem Cover...
michou - 4. Jun, 15:52
Das erste und vor allem...
Das erste und vor allem das letzte Kleid! Wahnsinn!...
florenca - 4. Jun, 12:38
:-D Du doof Nuss :-X
Ist es nicht seltsam: kaum lese ich, dass DU Bammel...
michou - 1. Jun, 17:54
huhu :)
hi wie geht es dir. es geht bergauf, wie ich so lesen...
eva (Gast) - 31. Mai, 20:44
nö, habe ich nicht
das Buch meine ich. Aber ich werde mir irgednetwas...
joanna (Gast) - 18. Mai, 17:57
Trinny und Susannah
liebe ich ja auch sehr :-) Hast du dir das Body shape-Buch...
michou - 18. Mai, 11:39
Hüfte? Breit?!
schau Dir meine an :P (ich weiß - typisches Frauengerede,...
joanna (Gast) - 16. Mai, 22:33
Liebe Michou, ich verstehe...
Liebe Michou, ich verstehe überhaupt nicht was Du hast...
Martina (Gast) - 16. Mai, 14:41
Hast recht
- genau wie Eva und Mandy. Mich stört einfach, dass...
michou - 15. Mai, 10:51
Ups ...
Seit wann wirst du denn 41??? Das hatte ich doch ganz...
michou - 15. Mai, 10:37
41, 42
- da ist ja nun kein Unterschied :-) Und mir geht es...
michou - 15. Mai, 10:33
Hallo, ich hatte Glück,...
Hallo, ich hatte Glück, Dein Post war schon fertig...
Gaby (Gast) - 14. Mai, 18:11
Mir gefallen ALLE Deine Kleider, Roecke, Pullis und...
SmashingPuffin (Gast) - 14. Mai, 18:03
Ich wollte gerade sagen,...
Ich wollte gerade sagen, der Rest war doch vorhin noch...
Eva (Gast) - 14. Mai, 16:13
Ich erkenne mich aber...
Ich erkenne mich aber so was von genau wieder - nur...
Eva (Gast) - 14. Mai, 14:50

Pattern reviews


Über mich

Ich bin Bonnerin, habe auf einem sowjetischem Schiff, im Schwarzwald und auf Norderney gearbeitet, einen Australier geheiratet, zwei tolle Söhne bekommen und bin dem Stricken und Nähen verfallen.


andrea(dot)instone (at)netcologne(dot)de



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