FNO 06/08 - Solving the case with Miss Marple
As you can see I finished the Skirt Of Horror and I did not bother much about making it perfect. I just didn't like to try and try so I just opened the side seams, took 2.5 cm away (which makes overall a difference of more than 12 cm to the original pattern) and sewed it up, not knowing if it would fit or not.
Well, it fits somehow, a bit tight perhaps but still comfortable to wear and now highwaisted so that my jumpers go with it. Not all of them, because wearing a dark colour makes it look very boring. I tried them all out and Steve was not overwhelmed - he rarely is. But this lacy jumper together with the oldfashioned Tweed skirt made him whistle and utter: "Uh, sexy..."
I hastily left the room, concerned that he might have secret crush on Miss Marple. I did not dare to investigate this case, though ...
michou - 23. Nov, 13:33